Irene Avila Cruz
Manifestation terminée

Flamenco, en concert Almodovar, Calatayud, Cruz, danseuse Café du Tilleul, Fribourg 30.818 20h

Un duo guitare-voix pour une soirée flamenco… Yolanda Almodovar et Miguel Calatayud vous emmèneront sur les routes d’Andalousie en vous plongeant dans une tradition musicale à la croisée des mondes.

Avec :
Yolanda ALMODOVAR – voix
Miguel CALATAYUD – guitare

Irene Avila Cruz - danse

Entrée libre, chapeau pour les artistes.

There are many suggestions for the origin of the word flamenco as a musical term (summarized below) but no solid evidence for any of them.[10] The word was not recorded as a musical and dance term until the late 18th century.

One theory, proposed by Andalusian historian and nationalist Blas Infante in his 1933 book Orígenes de lo Flamenco y Secreto del Cante Jondo suggested that the word flamenco comes in fact from the Hispano-Arabic term fellah mengu, meaning "expelled peasant". This term referred to the many Andalusians of the Islamic faith, the Moriscos who remained, and in order to avoid religious persecution, joined with the Roma newcomers.[11][12] Another theory is that the Spanish word flamenco could have been a derivative of the Spanish word flama, meaning "fire" or "flame". The word flamenco may have come to be used for fiery behaviour, which could have come to be applied to the Gitano players and performers.

Age conseillé
6 à 12 ans, Adolescents, Adultes, Seniors
180 minutes
Thierry Christinaz
Miguel Calatayud
Yoli Almodovar, Irene Avila Cruz, Miguel Calatayud
jeu. 30 août 2018

Flamenco Danse - Voix, Guitare - Café Concert Restaurant du Tilleul

Rue du Tilleul 5
1700 Fribourg

Voir le programme complet

Irene Cruz, Miguel Calatayud, Yolanda Almodovar - Flamenco - de retour d'ûne tounée au Japon en concert au Café du Tilleul JE 30.8.18 20h
entrée libre - collecte
jeudi donnerstag 30.8.18 20h
Contact / Réservation
Numéro de Téléphone
+41 26 322 78 97


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