Rencontres Guitare Bulle présente Rolf Lislevand

Manifestation terminée

Concert de théorbe, luth et guitare baroque

Concert de théorbe, luth et guitare baroque par Rolf Lislevand.

The Norwegian lutenist, Rolf Lislevand, studied the classical guitar at the Norwegian State Academy of Music from 1980 until 1984. In 1984, he entered the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Switzerland, wich was then the most active early music centre in Europe. He studied there until 1987, Under the guidance of Hopkinson Smith and Eugène Dombois. He was the asked by Jordi Savall to accompany him with groups sich as Hespèrion XX, La Capella Reial de Catalunya and the Concert des Nations. Through Savall, he acquired first-hand knowledge of 17th century French viola da gamba music, just as Montserrat Figueras introduced him to 16th and 17th century Spanish vocal music.
Age conseillé
6 à 12 ans, Adolescents, Adultes, Seniors
dim. 25 nov. 2018

Rencontres Guitare présente Rolf Lislevand - Grande salle des Halles

Rue de la Promenade 44
1630 Bulle

Voir le programme complet


Adulte CHF 25.00

AVS CHF 15.00

Etudiant, apprentis CHF 10.00

Enfant jusqu'à 16 ans, gratuit

le 25 novembre 2018 à 17h
Contact / Réservation
Numéro de Téléphone
+41 78 862 06 15

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