Cumulative Genocide: The massacres and deportations of Greek Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire (1912-1923)

Refugees leaving their town Trapezounta (Trebizond)
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Distinguished Lecture in Lausanne by Prof. Dr. phil. Tessa Hofmann about the Greek Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.

Invitation to the Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Dr. phil. Tessa Hofmann "Γενοκτονία εν ροή – Cumulative Genocide:
The massacres and deportations of Greek Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire (1912-1923)".

Lecture in English │Résumé en français et en grec

Saturday 3 June 2017 at 7 pm

Hôtel Continental, Place de la Gare 2, 1001 Lausanne

Tessa Hofmann is a scholar of comparative genocide studies with focus on the Ottoman destruction of the indigenous Christians of Asia Minor and Mesopotamia. In her lecture she will speak about the near-to-complete destruction of the rum millet (Romäer, in greek: Ρωμηοσύνη) during the process of nation state building, looking also into the specifics of the Greek fate compared with the more known and researched genocide against the Ottoman Armenians.

Υποστήριξη │ With the support of
Σύλλογος Ελλήνων Λωζάννης "Εστία" │
Ένωση Ποντίων Ελβετίας │

Πληροφορίες │ Info

Facebook page:

Twitter:   @mhellenisme


Entrée gratuite
Age conseillé
Adultes, Seniors
90 minutes
Melissa pour l'Hellénisme Avec le soutien: Association Hellénique de Lausanne ESTIA Association des grecs pontiques en Suisse
Prof. Dr. phil. Tessa Hofmann
sam. 03 juin 2017

Hôtel Continental (Salon Fresques)

Pl. de la Gare 2
1001 Lausanne

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